PS4 Error Code Database

Error Code Structure

The errors that occur in libraries included in the SDK and in the system software are each allocated a hexadecimal error code with a macro constant for handling by applications, as well as a short error code to display for users.
Macro constant          | Hexadecimal Error Code | Short Error Code
SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ENOENT | 0x80020002             | CE-30002-5      

The error codes returned by libraries and the system software are hexadecimal error codes. The hexadecimal error codes are 32-bit negative numbers with the upper 16 bits representing the library or module where the error occurred. Short error codes are character strings consisting of a two letter facility group ("CE", "NW", "NP", etc.) and a 5+1 digit short error number connected by hyphens.
Short Error Code | Facility Group | Short Error Number
CE-30002-5       | CE             | 30002-5           

Exceptional errors that are not allocated a short error number will be displayed for users as short error codes using "E" and the hexadecimal error code connected by a hyphen.
Short Error Code | Facility Group | Hexadecimal Error Code
E-80000000       | E              | 80000000